Setup Give-Way Waypoints
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A give way waypoint signifies that a vehicle will stop at that point and proceed only if the path ahead is clear. These waypoints are commonly used in narrow roads or intersections.
The Mobile Traffic System includes three types of Give Way waypoints: Give Way, Complex Give Way, and Zipper Give Way.
To access them, navigate to the Settings Window -> Waypoint Setup -> Show All Waypoints, and click on a waypoint within your scene. This action will open the following window:
The simple give way works as follows:
The vehicle will stop at the black waypoint and wait until all the waypoints marked with green are free (they have no vehicle on them). Only after all waypoints are free the vehicle will continue. The decision of how many waypoints need to be free for the vehicle to continue is made internally by the system, no other settings are required to be made by the developer.
To mark a waypoint as Give Way simply select the waypoint inside your scene and enable Give Way inside the Edit Waypoint window.
A waypoint marked as Complex Give Way functions similarly to a waypoint marked as Give Way. However, the key distinction is that the developer explicitly identifies which waypoints must be free for the vehicle to proceed, rather than this determination being automatically handled by the system. This feature proves useful for side roads entering the main road.
To mark a waypoint as Complex Give Way simply select the waypoint inside your scene and enable Complex Give Way inside the Edit Waypoint window.
Press the Pick Required Free Waypoints and select the waypoints that need to be free for the vehicle stationed at the complex give way waypoint to enter the intersection.
The Green waypoint is the Complex Give Way waypoint. A vehicle will continue forward from that waypoint only if all black waypoints are free (they have no vehicle on them). Otherwise, the vehicle will stop and wait for them to be free.
Once the selection of free waypoints is completed, press the Done button, and the configuration of the Complex Give Way waypoint is complete.
A zipper give way waypoint is advantageous when a two-lane road narrows down to a single-lane road. In scenarios using other types of give way waypoints, cars from one lane will typically wait until the other lane is clear before continuing, potentially creating long queues of waiting cars in one lane.
However, with the zipper give way, vehicles will proceed alternately—one from lane 1 and one from lane 2—when the road narrows. This method reduces car buildup, nearly balancing the waiting times on both lanes, and looks more natural.
To mark a waypoint as Zipper Give Way simply select the waypoint inside your scene and enable Zipper Give Way inside the Edit Waypoint window.
If the green waypoint is marked as a Zipper Give Way, vehicles will stop at the preceding waypoint marked with red and continue in an alternating fashion.
After all the setup is done, don't forget to press the Apply Settings button from Settings Window