Setup Guide

Open Settings Window

Go to Tools -> Gley -> Mobile Ads.

Debug Mode

Debug mode allows you to see debug messages on the device and inside the console. This should be enabled every time you start integration in a new project to be able to spot possible errors when ads don't show up.

Visual Scripting Support

The plugin supports 2 visual scripting plugins:

Enable the plugin you want to use and scripting blocks for that plugin will become available.

Advertiser selection

Select the advertiser you want to use for each supported platform

Advertiser configuration

Download SDK

This will open the selected SDK's download link. You'll have to download and import that SDK for your ads to work

Test Mode

It is recommended to use test ads during development to avoid restrictions and limitations.

To do it, you need to enable test ads inside your selected advertiser dashboard, or if it is a local setting just click the Test Mode checkmark from Settings Window.

Ad IDs

For every advertiser, you'll be required to add the IDs. For more details on how to get them check the detailed instructions for each advertiser.

Directed for children

If your app is directed to children under the age of 13, make sure you check the Directed for children checkmark. Also, make sure to make all required setups inside the advertiser's dashboard.

If the advertisers do not have a dedicated GDPR popup, a custom one will be shown if the Show consent popup is checked.

The text you provide in the input field will be displayed on the popup.

You can customize the consent popup to match your app style by editing the prefab located inside:

Gley -> MobileAds -> Prefabs -> ConsentPopup


iOS 14.5 and above requires publishers to obtain permission to track the user's device across applications. This device setting is called App Tracking Transparency, or ATT.

To enable the native iOS popup the following steps need to be made:

  • Check Enable iOS Tracking.

  • Hit Import Required iOS Packages or manually install the iOS 14 Advertising Support package from Package Manager.

  • Insert your display text in the box provided. This text will be displayed on the device.


After all settings are final, hit the Save button.

Every time you make a change, the save button needs to be pressed. Also first time you change the platform, you need to press the Save button so that settings to be applied to the new platform.

Next, check the custom configurations needed for each advertiser:

Last updated