Upgrade from 1.x.x

v2 of the plugin is not compatible with older v1 versions.

The following steps need to be made to upgrade the plugin:

Completely delete the old folders from GleyPlugins folder: About, Common & EasyIAP

Replace the old: IAPManager.Instance

With the new: Gley.EasyIAP.API

Add using Gley.EasyIAP;

API method renamed

the old: IAPManager.Instance.InitializeIAPManager(InitializeResult);

becomes: Gley.EasyIAP.API.Initialize(InitializeResult);

// old
IAPManager.Instance.BuyProduct(ShopProductNames.Coins, ProductBought);

Gley.EasyIAP.API.BuyProduct(ShopProductNames.Coins, ProductBought);

Last updated