Complete API

All API methods are located inside Gley.EasyIAP.API

API NameDescription

Buy an IAP product.

Converts a given name into enum member.

Returns the date of the Product’s cancel date.

Returns the date of the Product’s next auto-renew or expiration.

Returns the free trial period.

Get the introductory price of the Product.

Indicate how much time remains for the introductory price period.

Returns the number of introductory price periods that can be applied to this Product.

Get product currency in ISO 4217 format.

Get description from the store.

Get the price and currency code of the product as a string.

Get title from the store.

Returns the type of the given product.

Get decimal product price denominated in the local currency.

Returns the Product’s purchase date.

Returns the raw receipt of a product.

Indicate how much time remains until the next billing date.

Get additional info for subscription.

Return the subscription period.

Get product reward.

Check if a product is bought.

Indicates if the product is auto-renewable.

Checks if a product is canceled or not.

Checks if a product is expired or not.

Checks if this Product is a free trial.

Checks if IAP is initialized.

Indicate whether this Product is within an introductory price period.

Checks is a product is currently subscribed or not.

Initialize store products. Call this method once at the beginning of your game.

Restore previously bought products (Non-Consumable & Subscriptions).

Last updated