Setup Guide

Open Settings Window

Go to Tools -> Gley -> Localization

Enable Support for UI tools

If you are using Text Mesh Pro or nGUI in your game enable the corresponding tool by selecting it and hit Save

Add supported languages

Select the new language you want to add from the dropdown and click Add.

To remove a language click Remove.

Default Language - The language used if the app has no support for user preferred language.

Ex: if your user has his device in German and your app is not translated into German, the default language will be used.

Add app texts

Add Word -> Ads another text to translate. It can be a phrase or a single word.

ID -> A unique ID for each word. It must start with a letter and it cannot contain special characters. It will be converted to an enum for easy access inside your app.

Language -> Translation for each language.

Remove button -> Removes the current word.

Translate button -> Automatically translates the text from the default language to the current language.

Import/Export .csv

Import from CSV -> Import texts from an external .csv file.

Export to CSV -> Export current added words to a .csv file

Validate -> Check all your translations for empty words.

The .csv must have the following columns:

ID - A unique ID of your translation.

EnumID - Generated automatically by Settings Window.

Languages - Each language you want to localize your app has its column.

Special Characters

New Line

To add a new line inside Settings Window just press Enter

To add a new line inside your .csv(excel) add {newLine}



My name is …

Should be written like this:

Hello{newLine} My name is …


To add comma inside you .csv(excel) add /, or {comma}


Hello, my name is …

Should be written like this:

Hello/, my name is …


Hello{comma} my name is ...

Last updated